Meet the Team | Kellie

Thank you Studio Starfish for taking this photo!

Thank you Studio Starfish for taking this photo!

Tell us a bit about you? I have been planning weddings since 2012 and love every minute of it! When I'm not in the office or on-site for an event, I enjoy hanging out with a group of awesome wedding vendors I now call friends.

What makes you smile? Sunshine!! Being outside in nature, horseback riding, snuggling with my doggie and being with family!

What other hobbies do you enjoy? I play hockey all year round and also play broomball in the winter. I also enjoy being with friends and volunteering... is wine drinking a hobby? :)

What’s your favorite flower? Daffodils!! They are just so happy looking and once you see them start popping out of the ground you know spring is here (and wedding season is just around the corner)!

What romantic film do you like best? The Notebook.. can't get any more romantic then that....makes me cry every time!

What’s a fun fact about you? I have been to the Boundary Waters at least 10 times and love it! And I drove a hearse in College (lol)

What is something people don’t know about you? I am an only child, but spent my summers at my cousins farm in Freeport, MN where I had a blast running around with my 6 cousins. We worked hard, but played hard and I will always treasure those memories! (My first kiss may have been on this farm and may have happened in the hay loft with the hired hand). ;)

What is your favorite love song? I don't think I really have just one favorite, it sort of changes all the time. I like anything country.. and I pretty much love love any song by Jennifer Nettles-man that girl can sing!

What is your favorite dessert? Cupcakes!! Especially Nadia Cakes-vanilla vanilla..but you can't go wrong with a good cherry pie also!

Favorite quote? I have always liked:Work like you don't need the moneyDance like no one is watching andLove like you've never been hurt!

Why did you get into wedding planning? Well, I worked in graphic design for 10 years and felt like I needed a change. I sort of felt lifeless sitting at a desk all the time and missed seeing the light of day. I got married in my parents backyard and had so much fun planning it! After the wedding, it was my mom who suggested I start my own business helping other people have outdoor weddings. I had worked at fancy clubs all through high school and college so have always been around weddings and events...and so I took my moms idea and ran with it and couldn't be happier!

What is your favorite part of the wedding day? I love seeing the bride in her dress and all done up for the first time.. We spend a lot of time working together and its so fun seeing her at her best, looking so happy and pretty-usually makes me tear up. I also love that moment of seeing the tent/barn, after everything is set up and ready to go. We have spent months figuring out all the little details, planning and envisioning-seeing it all come together brings me such gratitude and joy. I just love this moment of calmness in the space before all the excitement begins.

Why do you love Rustic Style Weddings? I think my love for the Rustic Style weddings steams back to my childhood from being on the farm. I love nature and being outside and its fun seeing guests enjoy the laid back atmosphere. I love everything about them...the yard games, kids running around happily and you can't beat a bon-fire and smores! I also feel like I relate to the rustic type bride-our personalities usually just end up clicking. I also just love the romantic feel of a tent or barn nicely decorated with twinkling lights, chandeliers and candle light. To me, this is romance at its peak!

Any great stories or moments from past weddings? The first one that comes to mind happened at a wedding this past summer where it started to rain. I was drying off the dance floor from foot traffic, which was under the tent, when a car started driving towards me and got its front tire on the dance floor before I could stop it. It was a cute older lady, who was picking up another older lady and didn't want her to have to get wet. She thought the dance floor was cement. yikes... All was good and she ended up backing out and the dance floor was fine. But I can't imagine what would have happened to the dance floor if she had driven across it!

What tips or advice do you have for couples working on planning their wedding day? Look into the vendors you are hiring, check reviews and ask around. The vendors you choose are the key players of your day and you want to make sure they have experience with the outdoor type wedding! Make sure to ask a lot of questions! Ladies make sure to get your dress at least 6 months before the date, don't forget the marriage license, order sidewalls for your tent just in case, and also make sure you pick a photographer that you and your groom can relate to and feel comfortable around-as they will most likely be following you around all day :)

Best advice for the bride on her big day? Breathe, eat, drink lots of water and don't sweat the small stuff! I recommend appointing someone to make decisions and answer questions on your behalf. Everyone wants to please the bride and therefore will end up bombarding you with questions on your day. So assign someone this task or hire a wedding planner :) to do this for you! I also recommend at some point in the wedding day, taking time for just you and your groom. The day goes by way to fast and you will be pulled in many different directions. Add 15 minuets in the schedule for just the two of you to enjoy!


Kristan + Jon | Settlement Hill Farm


Lauren + Drew | Camp Lakamaga