
If you’re having your wedding at a tent, barn, or outdoor venue, you may want to think about providing a “bathroom basket” for your guests. Many of the bathrooms at these types of venues are plain and simple, and these baskets can decorate the space, while serving a functional purpose. This basket can include anything you feel necessary – but we wanted to throw a little TIPS & TRICKS article your way, including details of how to create the P E R F E C T bathroom basket for your guests.


MUST HAVES [& we know from experience]:

-Medicine: Aspirin, Tylenol, Aleve, Advil
-Hair [I] do’s: Get some hair spray, a brush, comb, bobby pins and ponytails to make sure that your hair is staying in place to dance the night A W A Y.
-Smell ya later: Although everyone was smelling great at the beginning of the night, all the dancing can lead to sweating, and sweating may lead to stink! Add some spray deodorant to your basket, [and maybe some body spray] to keep your night smelling fresh. Also, consider adding some good smelling hand soap!
-Y U M: How great was that dinner? We are sure it was amazing, but to be able to sing your heart on the dance floor, [and not smell it] consider adding breath mints or spray in your basket.
-Accidents [can and will] happen: In case of spillage, adding a Tide-to-Go pen can rid of stains immediately. Adding in wet wipes to help with sticky hands [or situations] is always a promising idea as well.
-Safety first: No wedding is complete without someone needing a Band-Aid. To make sure that you’re not running around looking for one, adding them into your basket can make your night stress-free [& hiring Rustic Elegance can help with this too]!
-UH-OH: Mother nature comes when it pleases, so women’s sanitary items are an absolute must. Nobody wants to spend the rest of their evening worrying about dress stains or being uncomfortable.
-Dry skin [go away!]: Adding in some lotion can ensure guest comfort and smooth skin.
-Got the sniffles? Make sure guests have access to some Kleenex in the bathroom for those battling colds or allergies [& to make sure they get back onto the dance floor]!


NICE ADDITIONS [if you’re feeling extra F A N C Y]:
-In case of a manicure disaster: Who wants chipped nails at a wedding [hint: not us]? Clear nail polish, nail clippers, and file can help with this potential issue.
-Got lint, dust, or animals around your wedding? Think about adding a lint brush to the basket to keep everyone lint/pet hair [& care] free!
-First Aid Kit [don’t forget, safety first!]: Think about purchasing a mini-first aid kit, or making your own! This should include antiseptic wipes, Neosporin, burn cream, eye drops, antacid, antihistamines, Q-tips, cough drops, etc.
-C U T E [mirror] notes: This is a fun idea that we’ve seen a few of our couples do! Add a note to the mirror[s] in the bathroom with funny quotes. One of our favorites? “You look oh so pretty [or handsome for the fellas] – now get out and D A N C E!”

PROBABLY DON’T NEED [but you never know]:
-Wardrobe malfunctions: Dancing too hard and your dress [or trousers for the gents – Y E S, we have seen this happen] rips? Having a mini-sewing kit in your bathroom basket could be a game changer! Don’t forget about safety pins – it’s always easy to just P I N it back together.
-Other miscellaneous items: Floss, baby powder, tweezers

DON’T FORGET THE DUDES [they need some pampering too]:
-Stay F R E S H: Consider adding cologne spray, breath mints, and men’s deodorant to keep the fresh smell all day [& night]!


While we are on the ever so exciting topic of B A T H R O O M S, we wanted to provide some tips to those couples who choose to have their wedding in their backyard and need to bring bathrooms onsite! Porta-Potties will most likely be used in these types of situations. Typically, we recommend at least one potty for every 60 guests. Handicap ones can be great for the ladies, along with those in need, [it provides a little more room for those big dresses & you can decorate the inside with cute décor, a table for your bathroom basket, or maybe even a full-length mirror!]. Don’t forget most of these do not come with lighting inside, so once the dinner is over and the dancing is underway, you will need too light these up. We recommend adding sticky lights or battery lanterns to the inside. Also, consider using a 10 x 10 pop up tent with a cocktail table underneath for guests to wait under [protects guests in case of rain and provides them a place to set their cocktail]. A handwashing station, with real running water and paper towels, can also be a nice addition [and pretty cheap]. Another option is to consider renting a luxury bathroom trailer from a company such as On-Site [p.s. these trailers can even come with AC – see some of their photos below!].


We hope this blog post can help you decide if you should add a bathroom basket to your list of “things to do” before your special day, and gave you a few ideas about bathroom options for your day.


Lauren + Steve | Green Acres Barn


Tiffany + Derek | Legacy Hill Farm